Author: forgedd2014
August Road Run
Another Successfully run was had yesterday we had just over 55 people register. Shortly after one o clock our convoy of Jeeps, tractors, cars and bikes left Foulksmills in glorious sunshine and headed in the direction on Tullacanny where we had a short stop in Staffords Pub. We then continued on our way into Duncormick and back through Wellingtonbridge and into Foulksmills where we were treated to a hot dinner in the Oak Tree. The Forge Vintage Club would like to thank our own members and members who travelled from other vintage club for making the day such a success. A special work of thanks to our generous Sponsors who donate to all our events. We would like to thank Larry, Mary and staff for their hospitality on our return. We would like to thank the Marshalls who got us around safely on the day and Noel Cullen for the use of his yard. This years charities are St Lukes Hospital Dublin, Clongeen NS and Wexford Marine Watch, We will be presentation cheques to these organistations later in the year. More details to follow later.
Sponsorship card draw
Results of the sponsorship cards draw held at club c last night
1st €200.00 kindly sponsored by Crosbie transcar
Winner mag styles. Sold by Michael Ryan
2nd €100.00 voucher kindly sponsored by Bam contractors
Winner Kathleen Berney. Sold by Diana Nolan
3rd dinner for 2 kindly sponsored by horse & hound hotel
Winner Michael Wallace Sold by Eamonn o Grady
4th Sunday lunch for 2 kindly sponsored by whitford house hotel
Winner Tanyia Rochford. Sold by Martin Doyle
Thanks to our sponsors for their generous prizes & to all who contributed in any way
Tramore Run 2015
Shortly after 10am on Saturday morning our convoy of 22 tractors, 4 motor bikes, 1 car, 1 recovery vehicle and bus left Clongeen on our journey to Tramore. We headed into New Ross where we had a short stop in gala over the bridge. Once refuelled we continued on our journey into Waterford where we went over the quay and onto the Woodlands hotel for lunch. After one hours break we went back on our journey for Tramore where we arrived shortly after 5 o clock . After doing a few laps on Tramore we parked up our vehicles and checked into the Majestic hotel. On Saturday night we enjoyed a few drinks in some of the local pubs. Shortly after midday on Sundaymorning we started off on our days journey heading in the direction of Passage East where we crossed over on the ferry to Ballyhack and on into Ramsgrange for a short pit stop in Slainte in Rasmgrange and continued our journey into Foulksmills where we returned just after 4 o clock. The weather was great over the weekend and all the tractors made it back in one piece. An enjoyable weekend was had by all.
The Forge vintage club would like to thank all our sponsors: Crosbie Transcar, Bam Contractors, The Horse and Hound and Whitford House we would also like to thank Markie and Anne Sinnott for the use of their bus and Brendan Doyle for driving it. We would also like to thank the staff of the Woodlands Hotel, The Majestic Hotel, Slainte Bar and The Oak Tree bar for their hospitality over the weekend. We would like to thank the Passage East Car ferry for carrying us on board and listening to all the noise. We would like to thank our Marshalls for the weekend who got us their and back safe and sound. We would like to thank everyone who sponsored us and gave donation to us for this event. The draw for the sponsorship cards will be held shortly and the amount raised will be known at the next meeting.
June Road Run
Plans are well under way for our members road run to Tramore leaving Clongeen on Saturday 27th June and Returning to Foulksmill on Sunday 28th. All money raised this year goes to St Luke’s Radiation Oncology unit Dublin, Clongeen NS and Wexford Marine Watch. All members have been given sponsorship cards. Anyone who sponsors any of our members will be entered into a draw to win one of the following prizes:
1st Prize: €200 sponsored by Crosbie Transcar.
2nd Prize: €100 Wallaces Wellingtonbridge Voucher sponsored by Bam Contractors.
3rd Prize: Dinner for 2 in the Horse and Hound, Ballinaboola, sponsored by the Horse and Hound.
4th Prize: Sunday Lunch for 2 in Whitford House, Sponsored by Whitford House.
As always your support is gratefully appreciated.
2015 Charities
This years charities have been picked and are: St Luke’s Radiation Oncology Dublin, Clongeen NS and Wexford Marine Watch.
Our members Road Run
Plans are well underway for our members road trip to Tramore in June. More details to follow
All Vehicle Road Run
Our first road run for 2015 will be held on Sunday 22nd March. All vehicles are welcome. Registration will take place in Foulksmills from 12 o clock. There will be a hot dinner in the Oak Tree Bar on our return. A great day is in store so hope to see a large crowd out on the day!
Our Club Members Road Trip
Our Paid up member road trip will take place on the 27th and 28th of June this year. This year we will be heading to Tramore, where we will be staying in the Majestic Hotel. Deposits will be required before the 20th March. More details to follow.
Presentations of cheques to local charities an deserving organizations will take place at this years Christmas party. Also the club person of the year will be named and receive their presentation.
Annual Vintage Ploughing
The Annual Vintage Ploughing Day will take place on Jan 4th 2015 in Longraigue, Foulksmills. On the day we will have all the usual classes and refreshments will be served. We hope to see a large crowd there for what promises to be a great day.