June Road Run

Plans are well under way for our members road run to Tramore leaving Clongeen on Saturday 27th June and Returning to Foulksmill on Sunday 28th. All money raised this year goes to St Luke’s Radiation Oncology unit Dublin, Clongeen NS and Wexford Marine Watch. All members have been given sponsorship cards. Anyone who sponsors any of our members will be entered into a draw to win one of the following prizes:
1st Prize: €200 sponsored by Crosbie Transcar.
2nd Prize: €100 Wallaces Wellingtonbridge Voucher sponsored by Bam Contractors.
3rd Prize: Dinner for 2 in the Horse and Hound, Ballinaboola, sponsored by the Horse and Hound.
4th Prize: Sunday Lunch for 2 in Whitford House, Sponsored by Whitford House.
As always your support is gratefully appreciated.

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